Silicones for Technical Fabrics and Leathers

Silicones for Technical Fabrics and Leathers


Silicones for Technical Fabrics and Leathers

Description:a alkyl polysiloxane solution in solvent phase specifically developed for spray or impregnation waterproofing of fabrics and leathers exposed to difficult weather conditions.

Examples of applications:Outdoor fabrics - natural and synthetic leathers.

Aerosols for reproofing of fabrics and leathers (natural and synthetic).


Gives outstanding waterproofing to natural fabrics (cotton, blended cottons,

linen, etc.) synthetic fabrics (polyamide, polyester, etc.) and natural and synthetic


Outstanding abrasion resistance in humid environments and resistance to

detergent washing, long lasting waterproofing properties.

It is low viscosity and perfectly adapted to impregnation and

aerosol application (uniform diffusion).

Free of fluorinated resins. 


Appearance ............................................................................. Translucent liquid

Colour ...................................................................................Colourless to yellow

Viscosity at 25° C, mm²/s, approx. ..................................................................3,5

Solids, % approx............................................. ................................................4,5

Solvent............................................................................... aliphatic hydrocarbon

Flash point, closed cup, ° C, approx ................................................................24

Usage properties of the treated fabric: 

 (90 g/m2 Polyamide 6.6 fabric - μfibre 78 dtex / 64 threads treated by padding with BLUESIL TCS 7001)

Fabric feel .............................................................................…. softened

Initial Spray Test (Standard AATC 22-1996) …………............................ .….... 5

Spray Test after 5 washes ……… ………..…….................................……….. >3

With standardised reference ECE Standard nonphosphate detergent, Detergent

Reference – A, described in standards ISO 6330 or BS 1990 UK-T0


To guarantee a uniform deposit, it is recommended to shake

before using.

When using aerosols: it is recommended to use butane gas type propellant.

In the case of fabric impregnation it is recommended to heat it for 3 minutes at a

temperature of 150°C.

Packaging:it is delivered in 220 l drums i.e. around 160 kg.

Storage and shelf-life:

For its shelf life, please refer to the use-by date given on the packaging.

To keep all the properties of  it is essential to comply with the

following conditions:

It is essential to keep the original packaging closed and at a temperature of

between -20°C and 30°C.

Finish the product once the packaging has been opened.


Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for it.


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