Cyclopentasiloxane D5 A2

D5 A2 is volatile polymethylsiloxane fluids, Mainly contains decamethylcyclopentasiloxane. It is colorless, tasteless, essentially odorless and non-greasy.


Cyclopentasiloxane  D5 A2


D5 A2 is volatile polymethylsiloxane fluids, Mainly contains 

decamethylcyclopentasiloxane. It is colorless, tasteless, essentially odorless and non-greasy. 


D5 A2 is used for a wide range of personal care applications because of its volatile nature, provide a soft silky feel, compatible with a wide range of cosmetic ingredients, lower crystallization point and spreading properties:

• Antiperspirants, deodorants: is transient carrier for active salts 

• Hair care: improves wet combing, yet leaves no residue

• Skin care: non-comedogenic emollient and carrier

• Perfumes: delivers fragrance and gives skin a smooth non-cooling feel

Recommended use levels:

• Antiperspirants, deodorants : 3-10%;

• Hair care: 1-5%;

• Skin care: 3-10%;

• Perfumes: 0.5-3%.


D5 A2 has the following properties:

• Imparts soft silky feel to the skin

• Good spreading

• Detackification

• Non-greasy


Appearance ................................................................................ Clear colourless liquid

Color, Hazen ...................................................................................................... < 20

Turbidity, NTU ...................................................................................................... < 4

Viscosity at 25 ℃, mm2/s, approx. .................................................................... 3.9

Specific gravity at 25℃, approx. ......................................................................... 0.95

Heavy metals, ppm, Pb ........................................................................................ < 5

Mineral oils, mg/kg ............................................................................................ < 0.1

Surface tension at 25℃, mN/m, approx. ............................................................ 18.3

Odor ....................................................................................................... None to slight

Flash point(Closed cup), ℃, approx. ................................................................ 80

Boiling point at 101.3kpa, ℃, approx. ................................................................. 210

Crystallization point, ℃, approx. ........................................................................ - 40

Vapour pressure at 20℃,kpa ................................................................................. 0.025

Volatility evaporation rate (g/min), NF 30-302,at 80℃ ...................................... 0.075

Volatility evaporation time (sec), DIN 53-170,at 23℃ ........................................ 8400

Refractive index at 25℃, approx. ..................................................................... 1.395

Cyclotetrasiloxane (D4) content, %. ................................................................... <0.9

cyclopentasiloxane (D5) content, % .................................................................... ≥97

cyclopentasiloxane (D5) + CYCLOHEXASILOXANE(D6) content, % ..............  ≥99.7

Acidity (in NaOH 0.01N, ml) for neutralization of 2g product ...........................  <0.15

Solubility in water, 0.1g in 10ml at 25℃ .................................................  non miscible

Solubility in pure ethanol at 25℃(1.0 g in 10ml) ..........................................  miscible

Soluble in: Ethyl, Butyl acetates, Ethanol, Isopropanol.

Insoluble in: Water and Ethylene Glycol.

D5 A2 packed with 200L iron drum, net weight 190kg

SPECIAL PACKAGING (on request)   950kg, IBC packing

Storage and shelf life:

When stored in its original unopened packaging at temperatures between +5℃~ +30 ℃, D5 A2 may be stored for up to 24 months from its date of manufacture (expiry date). Comply with the storage instructions and expiry date marked on the packaging.

Exceed the date, no longer guarantees that the product meets the sales specifications. 


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