Water based system wetting agent 2407

Water based system wetting agent 2407


Water based system wetting agent 2407

Product name: wetting agent 2407 
Main ingredient: anionic silicone 
Purity: >99.8%。
Cloud point: >90℃。
Function: Substrate material wetting and leveling, prevent drip fall, to prevent shrinkage, cellulite, pinholes and other defects
Usage: use directly or add after diluting with solvent, stirring fully.

Application: water-based industrial paint, dipping paint, adhesive composition, polyurethane, printing agent, varnish, acrylic, alkyd resin,etc. 

Dosage: 0.1~0.5% of the total formulations

Superiority: low dynamic tension, especially fit for speedy printing and blade coating.  
Package & storage:

25kg, 50kg, 200kg plastic drum or iron drum sealed packaging,

Stored at room temperature a cool, dry place, the storage period is one year.


The technical advice and data are only for this information and is the best of our knowledge, it does not make any guarantee, before use, please do a small test.


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