Paper pulping defoaming agent 1831

1831 is a especially alkali resistance defoaming agent. It used modified polysiloxane as the main material, equipped with high efficiency, good dispersion auxiliaries, special alkali emulsifier, siloxane adduct compound and into a new type of pulping dedicated defoaming agent. In the process of alkaline pulping, because of the pulping raw material containing natural substances, such as fatty acid, resin acid and adding sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfide and other chemical reactions produce saponification, foaming material such as residual alkali and alkali lignin. Coupled with the high polymer material such as cellulose of bubble effect, and the size of the air flow and mixed into the slurry system, has formed a large number of stable foam. JY - 831 it can rapidly eliminate the bubbles, because of the lignin and other surfactants in the pulp, pulp, paper sizing effect is obvious, when the fast defoaming rate, less dosage of late, the price is cheap, no pollution.


Paper pulping defoaming agent 1831

Product model: 1831 

Product name: Paper pulping defoaming agent

Structured or composition: modified polyorganosiloxane

Product overview:

1831 is a especially alkali resistance defoaming agent. It used modified polysiloxane as the main material, equipped with high efficiency, good dispersion auxiliaries, special alkali emulsifier, siloxane adduct compound and into a new type of pulping dedicated defoaming agent. In the process of alkaline pulping, because of the pulping raw material containing natural substances, such as fatty acid, resin acid and adding sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfide and other chemical reactions produce saponification, foaming material such as residual alkali and alkali lignin. Coupled with the high polymer material such as cellulose of bubble effect, and the size of the air flow and mixed into the slurry system, has formed a large number of stable foam. 1831 it can rapidly eliminate the bubbles, because of the lignin and other surfactants in the pulp, pulp, paper sizing effect is obvious, when the fast defoaming rate, less dosage of late, the price is cheap, no pollution.

Physical and chemical data and indicators:

Appearance: white micro emulsion
The emulsion ionic: nonionic
PH: 7±1
Activity content: 10 or higher
Centrifugal stability (3000 r/min, 15 minutes) without stratification and precipitation
viscosity: 500-1500cst
Heat resistant temperature: 100 ℃ or less
dilute agent: Water


Use range: alkaline pulping, paper pulp, bamboo pulp and sugarcane pulp washing, neutral pulp, pulp, paper pulp, pulp bleaching, screening, bleaching, water treatment, pulp industrial washing pulp black liquor production line control foam and design, plant fiber pulp papermaking pulping defoaming agent used in the production
How to use: add pump directly drops can be used to need foam system, recommend early per ton pulp add quantity is 0.08 ~ 0.5 kg defoaming agent, ultimate expectations is pulp per ton (dry) to 0.05 ~ 0.3 kg defoaming agent.If add quantity in order to control, can be diluted, this article simply adding water to the defoamer emulsion and mixture of slow, diluted the defoaming agent should be as soon as possible after use, should not be commonly stored more than 12 hours. Drop a little of defoaming agent should, according to the specific production conditions to determine the best drip into the point should always be to less for the amount of defoaming agent and improve d pulp papermaking pulping defoaming agent used in the production.

Packaging, storage and transportation:

This product use 50 kg plastic drum, 200 kg iron drum packing or according to customer's requirement. Store in a cool, dry place, prevent sun tan, storage period for one year or less, according to the general goods transportation.


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