oil additives with powder antifoaming agent 1962

1962 high efficient modified organosilicon antifoaming powder is specially developed according to the easy foaming characteristics of oil field additives (including K12 powder, etc.), aimed at solid, powder products application. It used polysiloxane as the main materials, with easy to dissolved surface active agent as a carrier. It is fast defoaming when used, inhibit performance quite persistent (no special factors, can have the function of Inhibition foam in long time), and can keep the original state of product, high temperature resistant, alkali resistant, does not decompose in the well mud under high temperature and alkali, high liquidity, not failure due to high mud viscosity. And because they do not contain a large number of moisture, storage and transportation is convenient, the prominent advantages of non-perishable, high ph value can be added as elimination, inhibit components of solid powder additives or products, small dosage, fast defoaming, inhibit.Can be compared with the same products to be imported


oil additives with powder antifoaming agent 1962  

Product overview:
1962 high efficient modified organosilicon antifoaming powder is specially developed according to the easy foaming characteristics of oil field additives, aimed at solid, powder products application.  It used polysiloxane as the main materials, with easy to dissolved surface active agent as a carrier. It is fast defoaming when used, inhibit performance quite persistent (no special factors, can have the function of Inhibition foam in long time), and can keep the original state of product, high temperature resistant, alkali resistant, does not decompose in the well mud under high temperature and alkali, high liquidity, not failure due to high mud viscosity. And because they do not contain a large number of moisture, storage and transportation is convenient, the prominent advantages of non-perishable, high ph value can be added as elimination, inhibit components of solid powder additives or products, small dosage, fast defoaming, inhibit.Can be compared with the same products to be imported.
Physical and chemical data:
Appearance: white dry powder
PH: 8-12.5
Activity content: 25 or higher
Used temperature: - 10 ℃ ~ 150 ℃
Water content: < 0.3% 
Mesh: 120 or higher

This product has a strong acid and alkali, and chemical stability, non-toxic, no corrosive to metal materials.Therefore, this product can be directly on the pass bubble foam;Can also be used after hydration size products, spraying pass bubble to bubble.With hydration, to fully stirring, to ensure that the product of dissolved and dispersed.Field fertilizer use can be directly to powder antifoaming agent participation to the mixing of this product and can, as the mixture powder additives are directly involved in.As the foam inhibitors can mix with other after use.The dosage of how many, should be to determine by process test.For the foam liquid amount per thousand commonly a few to very few.  
Packaging and storage:
The storage life is two years. Should be stored in cold and dry place, avoid sunlight exposure for a long time.
This product belongs to general chemical storage and transportation. After more than storage life, should check whether the failure, such as failure can still use.
Use the cartons lined with plastic) 20 kg bags or 25 kg paper plastic bag.


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