Coating silicone defoamer 1066

Coating silicone defoamer 1066


Coating silicone defoamer 1066

Structured or components:

Structured or components polymer and polysiloxane solution

Performance feature:

Main advantages: the solvent system suppression foam, foam, foam performance is very outstanding.

secondary advantage: both flow flat, wetting effect.

Physical and chemical data and indicators:

appearance: colorless transparent liquid

pH value: 7.0

nonvolatile matter (%) : 1

1. paint, printing ink additives
Can be compatible resin system: acrylic, alkyd resin, amide, epoxy resin, nitrocellulose, polyester, polyurethane, vinyl.
The optional dilution solvent: ketone (such as methyl isobutyl ketone) diluent in the coating system usage is 0.1 ~ 0.7%.
2. oil and petrochemical processing ways

1066 dosage depends on the type of paint, solvent, resin and solid volume system.
To determine the dosage of 1066 typical process is as follows:
1. 1066 with MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone) dilution;
2. mix 100 g resin samples for 10 seconds, stop stirring journey time and make a note of bubble;
3. add 1 drop in resin 1066 diluent, mixed for 10 seconds, write down the bubble burst the time;
Adding different amount of diluent 1066 and repeat the process until the defoaming effect is satisfied.

The package is installed:
The product packaging specifications for 25 kg, 50 kg plastic barrels or customized according to the requirements of customers.
Storage and transport:
According to the transport of dangerous goods, cool and dry sealed storage, shelf life 12 months.


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