Textile printing and dyeing defoamer 1851

Textile printing and dyeing defoamer 1851


Textile printing and dyeing defoamer 1851

Product model:1851

Product name:Textile printing and dyeing defoamer

Structured or composition:The modified polysiloxane

Product overview:1851 China textile printing and dyeing temperature antifoaming agent is a new type  polyether modified silicone defoamer of textile dyeing and printing industry developed by my company, siloxane as main body, with heat resistance to alkali compound emulsifier, efficient dispersant, siloxane addition product such as raw materials. It can be used under the condition of 100 ℃ high temperature stability without demulsification failure, ensure the dyeing effect by demulsification produce silicon spot, inhibit elimination is strong and has long term stability. It has been successfully applied to the temperature in the textile dyeing and printing process.

Physical and chemical data and indicators:

Appearance: white emulsion

Ionic: nonionic

PH: 7±1

Activity content: 10 or higher

Centrifugal stability (3000 r/min, 15 minutes) without stratification and precipitation Temperature: 100 ℃ or less

Viscosity: 500-1500 cst

Dilute agent: water


Only a very low dosage can prevent bubbles. According to every one million units at the beginning of foaming solution with 10 ~ 200 units (10 PPM - 200 parts per million (PPM) of 1851 high temperature antifoaming agent. The most suitable dosage depends on the temperature of the foaming solution, foaming degree, chemical properties and stirring intensity and other factors. Should put the dosage adjustment according to the different requirements of production conditions to the most effective and economic levels. The right amount of defoaming agent can effectively prevent and eliminate the bubbles, do not use too much. Stir before use should be appropriate, and water or foam fluid required to join the first defoaming agent dilution of 1:5 to 1:20 solution or higher solution to use. Defoaming agent should be in before foaming foam fluid in, so that we can more effectively prevent bubble and eliminate the bubbles. Recommended dosage of defoaming system one over one thousand to three over one thousand.

Packaging, storage and transportation:

This product is for 25 kg, 50 kg plastic drum, 200 kg drum packing or according to customer's requirement. Store in a cool, dry place, avoid sunlight, sunlight storage period for one year or less, according to the general goods transportation.


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