Construction overlay waterproofing agent ZINCA 2617

Construction overlay waterproofing agent 2617


Construction overlay waterproofing agent 2617

Item: 2617

Structure or component:Alkyl silicone hydroalcoholic dispersión

Physical and chemical data reference value

Appearance                   Transparent liquid

pH value                          6.5±1

Density 20 ℃, g / cm3     0.95±0.1

Effective Content%        >20

Properties and Uses

This product is a new building waterproof silicone anti-erosion material. Stable aqueous alcoholic with alkyl siloxane under special conditions forming the dispersion, has a unique structure and performance, can have chemical combination with silicate materials in solid durability, so that the building structure can form a new surface, It can maintain normal air permeability, and can resist rain erosion, multi-effects of highly water-repellent, moisture, frost, moss, wind resistance, pollution and so on. 

This product is suitable for building decoration overcoat, such as colored cement Coating elastic surface, imitation brick, chopped fake stone, bracing take hair spray gray decorative and dry stick stone, water brush stone, mosaics glazed and non-glazed, sticky knot mortar waterproof overcoat and decorative coatings overcoat. It can also be used for waterproofing concrete, gypsum stone and so on. Sculpture, relics of ancient buildings Pollution monument and anti-erosion protection overlay.

Packing and Storage

The product packaging specification is a 50Kg plastic drum or according to user requirements.

Cool, dry and sealed. The shelf life is six months.

This product is belongs to dangerous goods transport and storage. 


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