Wig shiny oil ZINCA 2611

Wig shiny oil 2611


Wig shiny oil 2611

Item : 2611 

Product name: Wig polishes

Structure or component: special modified silicone oil pre-emulsion.


This product has unique smoothness and softness that other aliphatic chains softener and generally amino silicone cannot be compared. By diluting the micro emulsion can spread rapidly, spreading, and form polyethylene film. Containing polar group silicone big chain molecules group has a special softness and elasticity, make the processed soft, smooth, bright,with good elasticity and extensibility.

Physical and chemical data and indicators

Appearance : Transparent to translucent high-viscosity liquid

pH value  :7~8.   

active ingredient  :80%

Ionic type :Weak cationic / nonionic


This product is suitable for processing wig.


Formulation the 2611 to 2611 -X (concentration), the desired amount of water is calculated: B = (A × 80% / X%) - A; wherein: A = 2611; B = water required ; X = required dubbed micro emulsion content (percentage).

Take 100 kg 2611 formulated to 2611 -30 as Example: water B = (100 × 80% / 30%) - 100 = 166.67 kg


1. diluted water temperature 5 ~ 30 ℃ is appropriate, and should be added in portions. After each addition of water, should stir evenly, without lumps.

2. If you want the finished product pH value was slightly acidic, then up into the equivalent of 2611 to 4% by weight of glacial acetic acid (pH adjusted as needed finished) in the last addition of water, the resulting micro emulsion clear and transparent.

3. If you want to get the finished product pH value was slightly alkaline, then in the diluted process need not add glacial acetic acid. Finally, make up water is blue fluorescence was slightly transparent to translucent micro emulsion or micro emulsion.

5. containers used to dilute the 2611 must be kept clean. The container when not in use should soak in water to avoid the container wall attached micro emulsion dried cured film, and pollution next diluted micro emulsion.


The product packaging specification is 50Kg plastic drum or according to user requirements.

Storage and transportation

5 ~ 30 ℃ sealed storage, transportation, storage should avoid heat and freezing, the shelf life of six months.


non-flammable non-dangerous goods.


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