Side Chain Acrylate Modified Silicone Oil ZINCA 170

Side Chain Acrylate Modified Silicone Oil 170


Side Chain Acrylate Modified Silicone Oil 170


Acrylate-modified polysiloxane has excellent flow promotion, degassing effect and anti-sticking effect.

Technical index:

Appearance: gray-green transparent liquid

Active content: 100%

Refractive index (25°C): 1.4013-1.4106

Viscosity (25°C): 60-150cp

Product Features:

Especially suitable for radiation curing system and color paint formulation, crosslinkability, high efficiency, improved scratch resistance, anti-marker, slightly increase slip and defoaming effect.

Suggested amount:

Offset printing ink: 0.1-1.5%

Light curing printing ink and varnish: 0.1-1.0%

Screen printing ink: 0.1-2.0%

User's guidance:

Stir before use and add to the coating in the form of original or pre-diluted product. , Pre-dilute with the recommended solvent, can simplify the mixing operation, especially suitable for adding to the grinding, high shear or pre-dilution when added in the second half or varnish.

Packaging and storage requirements:

25kg iron drum.

Sealed storage, storage period of 6 months at room temperature.


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