HCR 1960 U is a silicone master-batch, heat curing after the addition of a vulcanizing agent (chosen according to the processing method).



Description:  HCR 1960 U is a silicone master-batch, heat curing after the addition of a vulcanizing agent (chosen according to the processing method).

Applications:  HCR 1960 U is recommended for moulding, has good compromise of mechanical properties.

Special properties:
Good mechanical properties;

Good appearance, anti-yellowing;

Good heat stability, up to 200°C;

Not easy to structured after long-term storage;

No post curing or slight post curing;
Wide possibilities for blending with other master batch.


Type (in accordance with GB/T 5576-1997) …………………………………… VMQ 

Density at 25°C, g/cm3, approx…………………………………………………… 1.18

Natural color……………………………………………………………………… translucent

Properties after working:

1) After addition of 1.25% Di(2,4-dichlorobenzoyl) peroxide (at 50%), and vulcanization for 8 minutes at 115℃

2) After addition of 1.1% 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butylperoxy)hexane (at 45%), and vulcanization for 5 minutes at 175℃

1.Mechanical property:

1.1 Before post-cure                                                             1)      2)

Shore A hardness, approx……………………………………………………  62    60

Tensile strength, MPa, approx………………………………………………  8.4   9.0
Elongation at break, %, approx…………………………………………….  392   471
Modulus at 100% elongation, MPa, approx…………………………….   2.10  1.85
Tear strength, (ASTM D 624 Die B) kN/m, approx………………….……  16    17
Rebound resilience, %, approx……………………………………………   51    47

Linear shrinkage, %, approx…………………………………………………   1.4    3.4

1.2  Properties after post-cure for 4 hours at 200°C

Shore A hardness, approx…………………………………………………   61    62
Tensile strength, MPa, approx…………………………………………. ….  9.1   9.3
Elongation at break, %, approx………………………………………….…  352   411
Modulus at 100% elongation, MPa, approx……………………….….…  2.32   2.06
Tear strength (ASTM D 624 Die B),kN/m, approx…………….….….…  14     17
Compression set , (22 h/177℃/25%) %, approx…………….….….………  -     22

Rebound resilience, %, approx……………………………………….………  47   46

Linear shrinkage, %, approx…………………………………………………  2.0   3.8

2. Thermal stability

Properties after post-cure for 3 days at 225°C
Shore A hardness, approx……………………………………………………   62    62
Tensile strength, MPa, approx……………………………………………..     7.3   .5
Elongation at break, %, approx……………………………………………    280   296

Packaging:  HCR 1960 U is delivered in 20 kg carton boxes.
Storage and shelf life:  HCR 1960 U may be stored in its original unopened packaging at a temperature below 40°C for up to 12 months from the date of manufacture marked clearly on the packaging.

Past this date,  no longer guarantees that the product meets the sales specifications.


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