Introduction of organic silicone resin composites
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 92 days ago | 29 Views | Share:

    A composite material based on silicone resin, filled with filler or reinforced with fiber (or its fabric).Organic silicone resin is usually made of organochlorine silane by hydrolysis condensation, molecular active group, because of further curing, is a thermosetting resin.Its composite material mainly has four forms.

    (1) silicone glass cloth, the glass cloth impregnated with silicone resin by drying.Mainly used as wrapping insulation or lining thermal insulation material for electric motor.

    (2) silicone laminated plastic, impregnated with silicone glass cloth laminated, with high pressure molding, low pressure molding or vacuum bag molded products.It can be used at 250℃ for a long time and up to 300℃ for a short time.Mainly used for H class motor slot wedge insulation, high temperature relay housing, high speed aircraft radome, printed circuit board and so on.

    (3) silicone mica products, according to the type of silicone insulation resin and the structure of mica can be hard or soft products, such as mica foil, mica tape, mica plate, mainly for H class electrical motor insulation materials.

    (4) silicone film pressing plastic, with silicone resin as the base material, adding quartz powder, silica black and other fillers, after rolling, crushing molded material.It has good fluidity at 150℃ and can cure quickly.Asbestos-filled silicone film pressed products can work at 250℃ for a long time, the instantaneous operating temperature can be up to 650℃, has been widely used in aviation, aerospace and electrical and electronic industries.