Environmental protection epoxy modified silicone resin application performance characteristics
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    Modified silicone resin for modified silicone resin network copolymer structure, its characteristics lies in the resin film, high hardness, strong adhesion, good transparency, is a better temperature resistance, protective coating.Mainly used in high temperature resistant coating, waterproof coating, organic resin modification and other fields.Alkyd modified silicone resin coating, alkyd modified silicone resin has excellent weather resistance, is widely used.Long chain alkyl alkyd modified silicone resin is especially suitable for room temperature curing weathering coatings.Their weathering life is as long as about 10 years, more than twice longer than the alkyd resin coating before modification, and is widely used as the protective coating of permanent buildings and equipment, such as high-voltage transmission line tower, railway and highway Bridges, freight cars, power stations, oil mining equipment, outdoor chemical equipment, agricultural machinery and other coating. Also commonly used for metal and plastic corrosion protection coating, non-transferable (recoating) coating;Weather resistance, chemical resistance and good adhesion coating;Printing ink additives;High gloss coating, etc.In addition, alkyd modified silicone resin can also be used as weathering coatings for ships and factories.In these fields, the heat resistance is only required in the range of 100℃ to 150℃. Alkyd modified silicone resin with 30% siloxane content is generally used to meet the application requirements