Release agent all kinds of problems to solve
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 77 days ago | 16 Views | Share:

    - Uneven spray caused by: improve coating;

    - Spraying flow caused: adjust spraying amount;

    - Wipe caused: select release agent hardness and solvent system;

    - Evaporation caused by: solid solubility is different or solvent solubility is different, orange peel phenomenon, solid precipitation during evaporation can not form uniform skin film, adjust dispersant and solvent;

    - Resin flow caused by: easy to turn, mold design to overcome;

    - bubble caused: the surface of the product has many small bubble pits, raw material problems or demoulding agent defoaming performance, demoulding agent and mold between the gap into the air or rough surface of the mold, improve the demoulding agent hardness;

    - Product shrinkage caused by: the shrinkage stress exceeds the resistance tension, concentric spots, mainly choose material shrinkage rate, injection pressure and other adjustments;

    - Caused by the heat capacity of the mold material: the heat capacity distribution of the mold reinforcement material is different, the heat stored is different, and the reaction is fast at high temperature;Or high temperature melting release agent caused by mold material.