Analysis of reasons for non-curing of food grade silica gel materials
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 74 days ago | 20 Views | Share:

  Molded food grade silica gel is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and harmless silica gel material, because of this, many customers like this material, it will slowly replace the traditional plastic products, become the new darling of today's market.

  Silica gel products are made of liquid silica gel as raw material, processed into silica gel products or silica gel molds through a series of production processes.But add molding food grade silica gel has a characteristic, is in contact with not environmental protection material containing sulfur, tin, lead amine and other materials, there will be poisoning does not solidify phenomenon, liquid silica gel will form a lump of a lump, or after curing surface sticky, or completely solidified, so as to cause a waste of production.Therefore, we must avoid contact with sulfur-containing lead tin amine in production, including mixing equipment, containers and so on. 

  The second reason for not curing: the AB component must be fully stirred evenly. If it is not stirred evenly, it will also lead to non-curing, or incomplete curing, similar to the situation of sticking hands.

  A third reason: AB component does not operate according to the proportion to add, if part A or part B more or less, can also cause the silicone curing incomplete, add about food grade liquid silicone molding curing incomplete, common is above this time, there are many in production still need everybody to slowly to explore.

  If in the process of production is really difficult to solve the problem of non-curing, you can contact us new good silicone, we believe that with our nearly 20 years of production experience, we can help you find the solution to the problem, pay attention to our hongtu silicone, get more food grade silica gel solutions.