How to dilute liquid silicone hardening
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 70 days ago | 28 Views | Share:

  How to dilute liquid silicone hardening?Liquid silica gel hardening (generally known as curing) can be dissolved by high temperature, or strong acid and strong base to dissolve, non-professionals are not recommended to operate, belongs to the more dangerous process.We say dilution is generally used to describe liquid silica gel or liquid, the viscosity is relatively large, and then need to dilute to reduce the viscosity of silica gel, this is called liquid silica gel dilution.

  Diluting liquid silica gel can be achieved by adding other additives to achieve the effect of dilution, such as methyl silicone oil, vinyl silicone oil, special diluent and so on, which we commonly use, can achieve the effect of diluting liquid silica gel viscosity.Add quantity must hold good, diluent is added too much impact on the physical properties of the liquid silicone itself is relatively large, is not only reduces the viscosity of the liquid silicone, lowering the liquid silica gel hardness after curing, followed by the physical properties of the liquid silicone will be based on the amount of adding diluent and have varying degrees of decline, generally do not recommend to add thinner.If there is no standard operation in the process of dilution, the standard of liquid silica gel after dilution is different, resulting in instability of the product and uneven production of the product.More advice what is what kind of viscosity performance can communicate with manufacturer, the manufacturer will have more silicone operation, more stable product performance, the second manufacturer to adjust the silica gel consistency is not add thinner, this a way through the adjustment of the liquid silicone raw materials and raw materials of different formulations are also can realize the effect of viscosity of liquid silicone decline, In this way, the physical performance of the product is reduced, so as to ensure the stability of the product.In reality, many old masters will buy their own thinner to adjust the viscosity of liquid silica gel, in fact, this is not desirable.Methyl silicone oil and hydrogen silicone oil and liquid silicone are also distinguished by many kinds of, not every kind of use together the effect is the same.Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase it separately, but to use it as a complete set. It is more guaranteed and better to deal with after sales, so as to avoid the situation of shaking the pot and causing unnecessary cost losses.Z could only be used by adding thinner because of the limited technology to reduce viscosity at the beginning. Now the technology is iterating very fast, and many different processes and requirements can be adjusted.

  So about how to dilute liquid silica gel hardening BELIEVE that all understand, no matter which way of the above advice to consult the manufacturer, understand the performance parameters, know what kind of thinner to choose, and the proportion of thinner and so on, safe and standardized production and use of chemical products so as to avoid unnecessary loss and waste.