Why does the surface of food grade mold silica gel become sticky?
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 69 days ago | 22 Views | Share:

  Recently, I found that more and more people like to do some handwork or make some food molds by themselves. Many people will choose food-grade silica gel to make it, because it is simple to operate and does not need any equipment.But we often encounter some customers' feedback on why the mold made of food-grade silica gel is sticky on the surface, like not curing. What is the reason why the silica gel of food-grade mold is sticky?

  The main reasons for the non-curing or sticky surface of food-grade silica gel are as follows:

  1. The curing temperature of food silica gel is too low

  2. Food silica gel AB component is not mixed in strict accordance with the prescribed proportion

  3. Silica gel is not completely mixed in the mixing process

  4. The silica gel mixing container is not clean or the mixing tool is not clean

  5. The surface of the original mold is not treated (especially if the original mold contains heavy metal elements or contains nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, tin, arsenic, mercury, lead, etc.)

  6.The original mold was made of polyurethane resin.

  How to solve the above problems?

  The curing temperature of food grade silica gel can be improved. In addition, the advantage of improving the curing temperature is that the curing time can be shortened

  In the mixing process, mixing is carried out strictly in accordance with the mixing ratio provided by the manufacturer. The common mixing ratio of food-grade silica gel is 1:1 and 100:2.

When mixing food grade silica gel AB components, please be sure to use a clean container and mixing tool.If conditions permit, spray a layer or even multiple layers of release agent on the surface of the mold, release agent can effectively block silica gel and mold inside some lead to silica gel does not cure of chemical substances and silica gel contact.

  When you use food grade silica gel to make mold sticky phenomenon might as well try the above method, maybe can help you solve the problem, if the problem is not solved, you can contact us oh, we can give you more professional solutions.