Liquid silica gel and ordinary silica gel which is stronger
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 63 days ago | 20 Views | Share:

  Liquid silica gel and ordinary silica gel which is stronger this problem many people have not been compared, more do not know how to contrast, there is no comparison between the two?Today in view of this problem, the new best to give you a comparison.

  The difference between liquid silica gel and solid silica gel from the form of existence, liquid silica gel is in liquid or paste, and solid silica gel is in large solid form.From the use of raw materials, liquid silica gel is 107 rubber, vinyl silicone oil as raw materials, and solid silica gel is 110-2 silica gel as raw materials.From the point of view of physical properties, liquid silica gel resilience is often better, the tear resistance of solid silica gel can often do higher.

  Liquid silica gel and ordinary silica gel which column strong?This question is too general to give a correct answer, but the product may have different results.We can compare liquid and solid silica gel mobile phone cover.Solid silica gel mobile phone cover and tear resistance is better, is not easy to tear, and liquid silica gel mobile phone cover is better solid elasticity, not easy to deformation.Of course, the requirements of the mobile phone cover against tearing are not so high, but the deformation requirements are higher.In this sense, liquid silicone is stronger than ordinary silicone.There is also a liquid silicone mobile phone cover or solid silicone mobile phone cover and the following PC bonding.Solid silica gel mobile phone cover bonding using bottom coating bonding method, and some liquid silica gel is self-adhesive liquid silica gel raw material production, the latter stability will be better, from this point it can be said that liquid silica gel is stronger than ordinary silica gel.

  Through comparative analysis, we can know that liquid silica gel is stronger than ordinary silica gel and has better performance. When you choose silica gel to make mold silica gel, liquid silica gel is a better choice.