How to identify the type of silicone rubber material
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  Only good raw materials can produce good products. In order to produce good silicone rubber products, it is necessary to understand silicone rubber material types and silicone rubber properties.To understand the shrinkage rate, deformation, high temperature resistance, viscosity, glue and other characteristics of each silicone rubber, how to identify the type of silicone rubber material?Next, Hongtu Silicone will share with you five commonly used methods to identify silicone rubber materials:

  1, combustion method, take out a small amount of products, after combustion.Fluorine glue generally has a general burning effect, while CR and CSM are extinguished without fire support, while NR and EPDM have a relatively large flame when burning.In addition, you can also observe carefully, combustion status, color, smell.Such as NBR/PVC and glue, fire splashes when there is a fire, self-extinguishing after leaving the fire, thick smoke and sour taste.Sometimes added flame retardants but no halogen glue will also go out of the fire, according to the actual situation.

  2, measure the weight, take out the sample, use electronic balance or analysis balance, accurate to 0.01 grams of fluorine glue weight Z, more than 1.8, CRECO is also more than 1.3, the proportion of obviously large can be considered these glue.

  3, hot air aging, take out the sample, aging in the aging box for one day, observe the phenomenon after aging.Graded aging gradually heats up.CR, NR, SBR will be brittle under 150 degrees, and NBR EPDM has elasticity.Normal NBR breaks at 180 degrees;HNBR will also be brittle at 230 degrees, fluoride glue and silica gel still have good elasticity.

  4, low temperature method, take out the sample, put into a suitable low temperature environment.Soak the sample in a low temperature environment for 2-5 minutes to feel the degree of hardness at the selected temperature.For example, at -40 degrees, the same high temperature and oil resistance is very good silica gel and fluorine glue contrast, silica gel is soft

  5, resistant to medium weight gain, you can sample from the finished product, soak in the selected one or several media, a certain temperature time after weighing, according to the rate of change in weight hardness rate of inferring the type of material.After soaking in 100 degree oil for 24 hours, NBR, fluoro glue, ECO and CR have very little change in quality and hardness, while NR, EPDM and SBR have more than double in weight and great change in hardness, and the volume expansion is very obvious.

  The above method can help you understand the type of silicone rubber, and identify the good silicone rubber raw material, quickly try it.