Characteristics of dimethyl silicone oil
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    Methyl silicone oil is generally a non-toxic, colorless, tasteless, not volatile of a liquid, insoluble in water, methanol, ethylene glycol, and benzene, dimethyl ether, carbon tetrachloride and other mutual soluble, slightly soluble in acetone, dioxane, ethanol and butanol.As small molecular inter-atomic forces methyl silicone oil, the molecular chain of spiraling, organic groups are free to rotate, so its excellent spreading performance, lubricity, high and low temperature resistance, weather resistance, radiation resistance, high flash point, low surface tension and physiological inertia etc, are widely used in chemical, mechanical, electrical, textile, paint, pharmaceutical and food industries. 

    Good electrical insulation: silicone oil has good dielectric properties, with the temperature and the change of the number of waves, its electrical characteristics change very little.The permittivity decreases with increasing temperature, but changes very little.The power factor of silicone oil is low and increases with temperature, but there is no regular change with frequency.Volume resistivity decreases with increasing temperature.

    Small coefficient of viscosity and temperature: The viscosity of silicone oil is low and changes little with temperature, which is related to the helical structure of the silicone oil molecules.Silicone oil is a variety of liquid lubricants with the best viscosity and temperature characteristics of a class of oil, silicone oil this characteristic is very meaningful for damping equipment.

    Good heat resistance: silicone oil molecules due to the main chain is composed of -Si-O-Si-bond, with a similar structure to inorganic polymers, the bond energy is very high, so it has excellent heat resistance.