Method for reducing the hardness of liquid silica gel
Source: | Author:ZINCA | Published time: 47 days ago | 11 Views | Share:

    Those who are familiar with liquid silica gel will know that there is A certain error range between the actual hardness of silica gel bought and the data you provide to the manufacturer, which is generally around ±2 Shaw A.Especially for the novice to their own need for hardness is uncertain, this will cause greater hardness error.

    The hardness of liquid silica gel is generally adjusted according to the needs of its use, but some users find that the hardness of the silicone gel mold is high, which mostly happens to inexperienced new users. Then if you encounter this problem, how to solve it? The following Xinjia provides two ways to reduce the hardness:

    Method 1: We can use silicone oil to reduce the hardness of silicone, generally add 1% silicone oil, silicone hardness will reduce about 0.9 ~ 1.1 degrees;Add 10% silicone oil, silicone hardness will reduce about 5 degrees.However, in the actual operation, if the ratio of silicon oil added is too large, the molecular weight of silica gel will be damaged, and the tear and tensile strength will be correspondingly worse, which will affect the service life of the silica gel mold. In addition, the proportion of silicone oil added is too large, and the silicone rubber mold will be easily deformed.Therefore, we suggest: generally, the proportion of silicone and silicone oil should not exceed 5%, and try to add silicone oil with larger viscosity. If more than 5% silicone oil is added, please first try a small amount to determine whether the mold can be used.

    Method 2: High hardness silica gel and low hardness silica gel are mixed. The condition of using this method is that you buy two kinds of hardness silica gel. For example, the hardness of silica gel after mixing 20 hardness silica gel and 10 hardness silica gel is about 15 Shao A.Using this mixing method should pay attention to, condensation type can not be mixed with molding, otherwise it will cause the phenomenon of non-curing.

    I hope the above two methods to reduce the hardness of liquid silica gel are useful to you. Pay attention to our new best for more information about liquid silica gel.