Do you understand the application trend of food grade liquid silica gel?
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    After the baptism of the epidemic, people have a new understanding and cognition of food-grade silicone products. With the increasing quality of people's life, the pursuit of high quality of life and daily use of products are more in pursuit of environmental protection and green.As a new type of environmental protection material, food-grade silicone products began to enter people's life from the end of the 1980s, and in recent years, the application covers various industries.As an emerging environmental protection and green food grade raw material, liquid silica gel products have irreplaceable advantages and application trends in various industries.

    Liquid silica gel can also be called liquid silica gel or LSR, which is a colorless, odorless and highly transparent fluid liquid. The original material can pass a number of international food-grade quality tests, and has excellent performance in toxicological biological compatibility, which can not be replaced by other new environmental protection materials.Liquid silica gel, as the original material designated by the infant and child industry, is the favorite of medical silica gel equipment supplies.

    Food-grade liquid silicone products adopt LSR injection molding process (also known as liquid silicone injection molding). Through injection molding machine, the mixed fluid of two or more components of liquid silicone is injected into the heated mold under pressure, and the production can be completed after curing and forming.Compared with other production processes, liquid silica gel injection molding process has good automation and no waste of raw materials. The plastic material of injection molding can be fully automatic control, without too much human participation, and it is also good to control the manufacturing cost and raw materials. 

    Food-grade liquid silica gel products also have good economic practicability in daily life. Liquid silica gel has good tear resistance and wear resistance, and can also prevent falling and shock, which can be a good substitute for fragile items commonly used by us.In addition, liquid silicone products can also be soft and skin-friendly, and can be well contacted with human skin without adverse reactions. Liquid silicone products also have excellent chemical inertia, and can contact a variety of food and substances without changes and material reactions.

    According to statistics, the purchase and application amount of liquid silica gel in 2018 reached more than 1.6 million tons. The permeability of liquid silica gel applied in various industries will reach more than 40% in 2021, and food-grade liquid silica gel will usher in explosive growth in various industries.Food-grade liquid silicone molding process mainly includes mobile phone and other consumer electronics, smart wear, handheld terminals, connectors, automobiles, medical fields, especially the smart terminal field will be a new generation of 3-proof process innovation.

    Want to know more about food grade liquid silicone?Welcome to our Xinjia, at any time to provide you with the new information of liquid silica gel.