Silicon metal and silicone silicon
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 1048 days ago | 483 Views | Share:

This weekend we talk about a recent hot plate silicon chemical industry. Silicon metal and organic silicon can be said to be a hot plate in the market this year, and the share prices of relevant companies are also constantly hitting new highs. As for why I choose this time to talk about this section, I mainly want to share my next opinion on the silicon industry. This week silicone plate in the new high in this position began to consolidate the shock market, the related companies are also in a horizontal state, today simply talk about silicon metal this node can also pay attention to?

In August, industrial silicon, silicone DMC, trichlorosilicon and other silicon chemical industry chain products sharply rose in price, a record high, many related companies also hit a record high cause of industrial silicon price rise mainly include: the cost end of the price rise, Yunnan power restrictions affect industry supply, downstream demand is strong. Recently, the operating rate of Yunnan and Sichuan is not high due to the lack of water in power stations and the shortage of power supply. At the same time, xinjiang region due to the lack of raw material silicon carbon supply, resulting in limited operation rate. At the same time, the demand for downstream organosilicon and polysilicon increased, and the supply system affected by the epidemic partly affected the export demand. The demand pull is obvious. Overall market demand exceeds supply, pulling silicon metal prices up.

Organic silicon: the cost end (industrial silicon) price rise, and the supply end frequently encountered shutdown maintenance, device shutdown. Next, some manufacturers have maintenance plans. Secondly, other related silicon chemical products are also at a high level.

At present, silicon metal, silicone is still in a relatively high degree of prosperity, this year is expected to continue to maintain, especially industrial silicon, industrial silicon prices are expected to break through 3W +. Industrial silicon due to power limit, environmental protection and other factors add less capacity. In the future, the new industrial capacity is mainly 800,000 tons for Hesheng Silicon and 100,000 tons for Xin 'an, which will be put into production in the first half of next year at the earliest. With the downstream polysilicon, organic silicon, silicon aluminum alloy demand is increasing. Prices are expected to keep rising. Silicone follow-up new capacity or more we still remain cautious, but the probability will maintain a high.

I am more optimistic about metal silicon organic silicon, choose to continue to hold, more can be added.